Pix Bomb :P

This will be a super-short post bombed with lotsa pix from over 2 weeks ago when my lovely cousin came down from Ipoh and we had a all-girls-out-session =) Am just so busy lately despite the fact that I am not working or even studying oredi.. LOL.. So, do be prepare and forewarned Smile with tongue out 
Here we go:
photo (20)
photo (23)
SAM_1842_副本 copy
SAM_1855_副本 copy
SAM_1863_副本 copy
SAM_1867_副本 copy
SAM_1869_副本 copy
SAM_1872_副本 copy
SAM_1912_副本 copy
SAM_1919_副本 copy
Okies.. Done.. Bye.. Hoho.. lolloloolol Open-mouthed smile 


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