Dear diary/blog..
I am unhappy.. again.. yeap.. but not so frequent now right? I tend to be easily stressed and think too much don't you think? But, it's getting better I believe.. I hope..
Yea.. I'm a negative person.. the kind asian people call emo.. but I am improving.. I try day by day to be a happier person.. be more positive.. it's not easy.. Trust me..
When you have thoughts as far out as suicidal ones.. and attempts at hurting yourself.. you need help.. or rather, you need to change.. no one can force you to be someone you don't want to be.. but you can change yourself to lead a better life..
So, why suffer when you can enjoy? It jus depends on how you perceive things and your approach to life..
Human are like pieces of puzzles.. You have a place you truly belong.. you just need to find the place that you fit in least that's the way I think..
I know I am very blessed.. I have great family members who love me.. I have a loving bf and lots of good friends.. I have quite a few best friends..
But there are things I just feel not right to share with my parents.. but the bf is not by my side.. but the best friends are faraway and they have their problems too.. but I don want to trouble others..
I am weak.. and i don mean physically only.. but at the same time.. I can stand a relationship with my almost 6 years bf wen we only see each other 3 months a year.. mayb I am also strong.. but just from a different perspective..
Oh.. the random rants of a half asleep-demented emo girl.. weird.. yea.. I just need to get these off my system.. feeling better now..
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