Genting Trip with Ohana ♥
Well, this post is long overdue.. Went for the trip exactly 1 month and 19 days ago.. Sorry I lacked the heart to blog more frequent and with more details cuz my work took like 11 hours of my time per day, usually.. When I got home for dinner and finish bathing, it’s usually 10pm at night and I always try to do a little reading before I sleep.. So, here’s the late late late and not very detailed post..
Ootd of the day =) @ entrance of 1st World Hotel
My sister, Elis’s ootd =) I want her legs >~<
Elis and her brother, Tom =)
Us while waiting for our ride to the Mushroom Farm for dinner ^^
Ohana~~~my family ♥
Next on the list, we went for the over-rated magic show.. It was so so only cuz my overly-realistic brother, Michael pointed out the tricks ><
And no pics cuz it’s not allowed..
My ootn-outfit of the night =) copied this look from Melbourne famous blogger, Chloe Ting.. love her dressing style so much ♥
What we had for breakfast the second day cuz all the other diners are full and we’re too lazy to wait..
Finally, a pic of the 3 Yee sisters after our elder sister manage to detangle herself from her bf for a while lol
In a double storey café-restaurant inside First World Casino =)
Ohana means family ♥
Lover’s Bridge ♥
Went to the Horror House to shoot digital worms == not as scary as I expected tho I’m a first class coward ><
We also went to Ripley’s~Believe It Or Not! for a museum look-see tour.. Will update on that with a separate post cuz there’s tons of pics..
The 3rd day ^^
It’s “Let’s win money from casino” day =D
Tried our luck and I won my very first RM60 from the Big Small table ^^ hehehe...
Somewhere inside the casino where you can still take pics..
I like this view.. Kind of romantic don’t you think ?
My bro looking like a rich educated guy.. He was reading Jeffrey Archer’s book---Sins of the Father if I’m not mistaken.. He didn’t want to join us for that trip initially cuz he’s not that into gambling and there’s nothing else to do there he said, but he was forced to anyway, hence the book =D
Ok.. End of story.. for the trip I mean.. Will update about my Singapore trip, birthday celebration and more as soon as I have the time.. Haha xD
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Bye bye~~~
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