Unexpected Surprise =)

It all happened on Wednesday.. Was planning on going to Tesco for grocery shopping & Xmas shopping with the boyfie only.. Well, went there.. Bought stuff..

Had lunch at Sushi King’s.. P1070215 copy

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And then, the so shuweeeet hubby boy said, “Why don’t I buy you a smartphone today since we’re out already ?”

You bet, I was ecstatic !!

I was given the choice of choosing between iPhone5 or S3 =)

My boy boy so so so sayang me hor ? Teehehe Smile with tongue out

Went to Digi loh.. but alas, I settled on a white S3 cuz iPhone5 out of stock in the whole of Klang.. Need to wait dono how long pulak ><

Hence, ta-daa !!

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Mad love my darling sweet hubby boy~~~Yeh, I know.. Don be so sickly sweet and show off here huh ? Hahaha xD


That’s all for now~~~KThanksBye Open-mouthed smile


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