Mommy: “Are you turning into a lesbian ???”
Hola, lovely people =) Como estas (how are you) ? I’m gonna blog about one of my bestie/zimui, Yen’s stay at my home last week.. This blog post is overdue by exactly a week oredi.. lol.. So sorry ya.. Was caught up in family matters (granny’s ill health to be precise, thank God she’s recovering), convocation stuff and de usual get-together sessions with family and friends >~<
So, would you like to know why Mommy ask me that outrageous question ? I bet you do !
But, before I spill de beans.. Do tell me.. I look and/or behave like lesbian meh ?? ==|| lol
Oh.. and to put de record straight, I am straight ok.. I like boys/guys/men wan ar.. Don’t worry, Lawrence dear.. You still hold a very high place in my heart but after my parents lor
hehehe~~~Can’t blame me for loving my parents more right ? They fed, clothed, schooled and brought me up with sooooo much love ^~^
Back to topic.. Yen was one of my university mate.. We met for de very 1st time in our hostel 3 years ago during induction and just hit it off like, err Lilo and Stitch ?? (Me gusta Stitch ♥) Oh yeay, we do bomb and criticize each other (in a good way lar, hope I’ve never hurt you with my mindless chatter my dear Yen ^^) but that’s what best friends do right ? Because you feel super comfortable around that person, only you’ll tell that person anything and everything right ? We’ve got closer this last year as we were roommates; we cook, bath (in diff cubicle lar =P), swim, eat, shop and go crazy together)
And hence, I will talk on the phone frequently with Yen, fb chat or even skype video call.. We are so close that I feel extremely devastated that uni life has come to an end and we have to part ways >~< cuz I live in Klang and she on de borders of Malacca & Negeri Sembilan.. Sometimes, I will just grumble, “Oh, how can I live without Yen ?? I wanna be with her !” Ok.. I do it quite a lot la.. Maybe that’s why Mommy was so worried.. Plus, cos we miss each other too much, Yen travelled to Klang and stayed with me for 2 nights de past week .. So, I guess Mommy put 2 and 2 together, got de wrong msg and turned frightened !! Wahahaha xD
Don’t worry, Mom.. Your precious girl is still straight.. Emphasize on the word still xD wahahhaha !!
Not to forget, pix from last week:
Mad love this pic of my bestie ! She look soooo great =D
Ok.. Gotta ciao.. Lots of stuff needs to be done >~<
Hasta luego !!
(Back to using my measly Spanish vocab cuz I miss it all of a sudden)
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