Too much FUN + no WATER makes Yvvone a sickling >~<


Hey boys & girls.. I fell sick since yesterday.. Still on medication now.. Haish T___T Played too much during de Raya hols and did not have enuf water consumption >~<

Sad sad.. Actually, just wanna share something funny with you all.. Yesterday’s incident was soooo epic !!

I was feeling hyper dizzy due to loss of blood caused by the week of the month, if you know what I am trying to say.. in simpler terms, menstrual lar.. LOL.. Plus, am having sore throat.. so went to de Doc’s for check up + medication..

De doc said my blood pressure was a little high.. 136 !! I was so shocked cuz  I am usually on de lower side.. not higher.. But he did say it was affected due to my sickness la.. So, worries be gone =) And he said I have these thing called Equilibrioception imbalance which means my sense of balance in the ear is interrupted.. Hence, de dizziness..

Anyway, he gave me really strong doses of medicine.. After I took the pills, I felt dizzier.. But I need to go to the washroom before lying down.. De epic thing here is that I almost put my left leg into the toilet bowl @.@

Luckily I manage to stop my leg from getting into de holy hole.. Hahahahahahaha xD Lucky escape !!

That’s all for now.. byez =D


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