Nothing is eternal~

I would like to dedicate this poem to my deceased papa hamster that I loved dearly >~<

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Why ?

By Yvvone Yee

Why do you have to leave ?
Is it because of me ?
Did I hurt you with my ignorance ?
Why can’t you be by my side anymore ?

Why do you have to leave ?
Is it hard trying to stay strong ?
When all you wanted to was give in

Why now ?

Why do you have to leave ?
Is it because you feel lonely ?
Have you ever felt happy with me ?
Why did you have to go back to our Creator ?

© Yvvone Yee Woan Fung. All rights reserved.

I felt so guilty.. If only I had paid more attention to it.. If only I have not neglected it.. If only I play with it more often.. If only I noticed something’s wrong……..

There’s no use saying all these now.. my beloved hamster wouldn’t be able to come back to me.. it’s too late when you noticed you have lost something precious to you.. I just hoped I would appreciate & cherished what I have left now..

Maybe some of you will think I am so over-emo.. But, this is just how I am made… and to me, Xiao Dar is no ordinary hamster.. He is my friend.. “Someone” important to me.. It’s just that, when I realized this, it’s already too late..

Thanks for making me finally understand that nothing is eternal.. May God bless u, and rest in peace, Xiao Dar ♥


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