31st August 2010.. De 53rd Independence day Of Malaysia.. Wen out wif papa, mama, jiejie and didi.. So excited and happy about it wen I look bak at myself now.. Tho it only happen yesterday.. Haha XD Cos it's extremely seldom that I have de chance to spend time with my family at Jusco de oh.. We had brunch at Igientis.. De food is nice but their drinks don't rily meet our expectations lor.. Cos Daddy's Igientis special taste like acid~Really u know @.@ Niways, we took loads of pics.. Haha.. My bro cant stand it lor.. Typical boys huh ?? Daddy was so sweet.. He bought mummy a SEED bag at Padini.. Jus last week oni he bought a bag for mummy.. Now another wan.. I wish I can find a husband that have de qualities of my daddy ^^ Well, but maybe not all his qualities.. Daddy's a bit fierce and demanding sometimes.. Hehe.. But, I still love everyone of dem in my family ^~^
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