Today I woke up from a honey-sweet dream..It was wonderful and scary at de same time..It was about me, my bf, Lawrence Lim and his mother..My future mother-in-law in de dream..Haha..4 real oso la I hope..
It started wif I weighing myself and found that I've gained 3 kgs and feels terrified..Wakaka..Tat was funny..Den I felt nauseous and vomitted in de toilet..Den I wen to de doctor to check..and I got so suprised..De doctor said that I was pregnant 4 2 months and a half already..LOL..I wen bak and told my bf's mother..I have no idea why I was staying wif her in de dream..But in anycase, I was still jus 22 years old in my dream..
Wen she heard tat I was pergnant wif her son's baby, she was so happy 4 me..Haha..Funny isnt it ?? Den my dear got bak from sailing..He too, was very very excited..He said den we'll jus get married of cos..LOL..but I told him I don wan to drop out of UNI jus cos I have a baby..Den I was thinking about abortion,but I jus cant bring myself to do it..Luckily dear was there 4 me wen i felt so distressed..I don noe wat to do at all..He brings me bak home and told my mom..
......I never got to noe my mom's reaction.....Cos my stupid hp rang at tat time and woke me up from this dreamy Cloud 9 dream..Tho I was scared and confused, I can feel my bf's love 4 me, it's so deep and it touches me..I rily love him..Haha..Hope he rily feels dis way bout me in reaity, too..Dis dream makes me miss him more now.....
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